Erosion is defined in the dictionary as a process of deterioration as if by eating into or wearing away. The moral character and values of our society has deteriorated tremendously in the last forty years. I am a School Resource Officer. Everday I witness students disrespecting teachers and administrators. I see teachers disrespecting one another and administrators. I see parents disrespecting teachers and adminstrators. I see children disrespecting their parents.
Children from grades 3 and up have a mentality that they deserve special treatment. They think that they should be given grades, passed without trying, and be allowed to do whatever they choose without consequences. Now before I go any further, let us look at the teachers. Many teachers work minimal hours, get several breaks throughout the school year including snow days that they are still paid for and yet complain if they have to cover classes due to one of their own being out. They demand raises every year in spite of the fact that their efforts do not reflect a raise. They have some of the worst attendance records seen and yet criticize students for their high rate of abscences.
They refuse to enforce school board policies that they do not agree with and yet complain if they feel that the principals do not punish a student to their satisfaction.
Let us examine our parents. Studentsd are given a student handbook every year. Parents are asked to look over the handbook with their children and sign a paper stating that theyu have done so. In signing the paper, the parent is saying I have read and understand the policies set forth. When their child gets in trouble at school they come down and berate the principals for "picking on their poor child." they believe rules should apply to every child but theirs. They threaten to go to the school board or threaten lawsuits if something does'nt go their way.
On to the students. Many students are lazy, disrespectful to everyone around them and have no regard for truth. They do not think that the rules should be followed and blatantly disregard many of them. They are arrogant, rude and completelky unappreciative of anything. They belive that they should be spoon fed in their classes. When they ultimately fail, they blame everyone but themselves.
Why is this happening? I believe that much of the problems with children can be directly attributed to the lack of parenting. Many parents want to be their children's friends and not their parent. They want their children to have things without working for them. They do not want their children to have to take responsibility for their actions or their speech.
The church also holds a great deal of responsibility as well. Quite a few of the students who blatanly disregard rules go to a church somewhere in the county. While I do not know what they are being taught in their youth groups, I don not believe that it is biblical teaching. If it were we would not see the disrespect that we witness now.
Society also plays a role in that the entertainment world and the sports world encourage rebellious and disrespectful behavior. They make fun of the traditional family and make derogatory remarks concerning the Christian faith and encourage a promiscuous lifestyle.
What needs to be done is that the church get back to teaching God's Holy Word and parents get back to raising children in the nuture and instruction of the Lord. Society as a whole needs to put out some positive roile models rather lifitng up the drug users, wife abusers and overall malcontents as examples.