Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What's really important?

Recently I was in a car wreck. I suffered 3 broken ribs and cracked sternum and torn cartilage in my chest area. When I finally got to go look at my car, I realized how bad the wreck could have been. I also began to think about what is really important in life.

This year has been very stressful due to some people who did not like the way I did my job. They were constantly complaining about something regarding what my duties were as a School Resource Officer. One went as far as complaining to the Sheriff in an attempt to get me fired.I felt angry, frustrated and bitter because I have always believed that if you do your best, no matter what people do or say right will always overcome wrong.

I found out that is not always the case. I know that I don't always have the support that I feel I need and that some will believe anything they hear without facts. I also found out something else; true friends stick by you no matter what. What does this have to do with my car wreck? I am going to explain to you.

During my time of recovery I had plenty of time to think about what is important. I realize that I can only control my conduct and actions. No matter how badly I would like for people to change the way they are, I can't do anything about it. I also found out that the people that mind the way I am don't matter and the people who matter don't mind how I am.  I also realized that no matter how hard I may try I can't please everyone, even those who mean so much to me in my life.

I've also learned that life is more than jobs, careers and everyday tasks. There are times we must do the things we enjoy for our health, happiness and overall peace of mind.
My philosophy is serve God to the best of my ability and live life in a much simplier manner.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thoughts on the styar of Bethlehem.

I could not sleep for some reason so I started watching Christmas movies. In just about every movie I have watched the ending usually is showing the characters putting the star on the Christmas tree. I began to think about the star and why we put the star on the tree every year.What does the star mean?

The star reminds me that men can be led to a relationship with Christ through supernatural means. The wise men followed the star in the east to the birthplace of the Christ child. They would have hoplessly searched for the babe in the manger without the guidance of the heavenly Father. Many are searching today. They are seeking answers to cnfused, cluttered, chaotic lives. They are looking for peace in a viloent world. They can't find answers through self help books. They can't fiond answers through philosophy, and they can't find answers through joining different groups. They must look heavenward to seek the true answer to long lasting peace and security.

The star symbolizes the acceptance of Christ by the people. The wise men studied the stars. They knew that this star was unusal. They followed this star because they knew that something special awaited them. They had heard of the promise of a coming Messiah or Savior and they wanted to see this Savior. When they came upon the child they fell down and worshipped him. Even the most cynical of men or women can come to have faith in the one who was born in a lowly manger.

The star represents the shining hope of mankind. We need that hope. A hope that helps rise up each morning even in the midst of despair and uncertainity and proclaim in our hearts that God has blessed us with another day of joy and comfort.

The star reminds us  that Jesus was indeed born and through His birth, life, death, and ressurection those who accept Him as Lord and Savior have an assured promise of salvation. I find joy in the reminder that God can and does lead us in our lives if we but let Him.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

What does a relationship with Jesus mean to you?

I saw an interesting post on facebook this morning. "I'm going to church to get me Jesus and then coming home and go to bed." I wandered what the individual who posted this meant. Did they mean that  Jesus is a temporary fix that they have to have every Sunday?   Is a relationship with Jesus like the Lortab that I am currently taking for pain? Does it only work for a few hours or days?  Is Jesus just an emotion to some people?

I listened to a sermon by John Piper this morning in which he talked about the true meaning of Christ's coming. In the sermon he pointed out some solid facts regarding a relationship with Christ. John Piper points out that Jesus came to earth that mankind might be saved through a relationship with Him and that through that relationship the sin that separated man from God would be blotted out.

Once man or woman has come into this relationship they turn from the sin that once controlled them to trust fully in Christ. This is not referring to a temporary fix but a lifetime commitment. Christ committing to fulfill the covenant that God established with His people and God's people committing to living within that covenant.

We, as God's people, must bank our hope on Christ's promises. We must stop following the world's example what a relationship with Christ means and turn and start following the commandments Christ put forward. We cannot live our lives through a "got milk' mentality. We must commit wholly and completely to following Christ in every area of our lives. Don't just go to church to "get me Jesus" Go to grow in your relationship with Him that He might truly be able to help you in your daily spiritual walk.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

God's Covenant with Abraham

I have been thinking a lot lately about what is happening in America in regard to the Christmas season. Once Christmas was about remembering the birth of our Savior. It was a time to remember the glorious announcement to the shepherds from the heavenly host. It was about the birth of a tiny babe in a lowly manger built for animals. It was about a hope renewed for a people who had lost hope. It was about the birth of a tiny babe whose birth would affect the lives of people for many generations to come.

Sadly Christmas has become a material obsessed season. Its about shopping. Shopping for thins that you don't need and didn't want until you saw them. Its about stress and tension. Everyone is in a hurry. There is no stopping to appreciate the true meaning of Christmas.

What we need is some deep, quiet, unshakable truth from God's Holy Word. The scripture comes from Genesis 17:1-8.  There are three things that we learn from the scripture found in Genesis.

First of all those who hope in Christ and follow Him in obedient faith are descendants of Abraham and heirs of His covenant promises. Verse 7 tells us that God established His covenant between Abraham and his seed and the seed of generations to come. It was an everlasting covenant.

These promises are sure and lasting unlike the presents that you will receive this Christmas season. A promise from God is a promise kept. A promise from God is a "take it to the bank" assurance that what He said, He will accomplish.

These promises are rooted in God's unchanging truthfulness andand confirmed by Christ's coming. The Christmas Spirit is not found in the wrapped packages under the tree but in the story of the birth of the tiny babe in the manger. This birth changes lives, perspectives about life and brings an assurance of salvation to those who hope and believe in Him.

I hope that everyone will have a blessed and wonderful Christmas, not that you get a lot of gifts but that you receive thae greatest gift, salvation through Jesus Christ.