Easter Sunday is finished. The special services are finished. Monday is here. Easter Sunday is a special day. The sunrise reminded us that the Son rose from the grave. The hymns were touching and the message was uplifitng. Now what?
Too many view Easter Sunday as they would a weekend retreat. They experience the "feel good" moments and then return to their routine lives. The ressurection story and the experience that comes with it are put away with the easter tree, the easter eggs, the easter movies and everything related to Easter.
This should not happen.The ressurection story and experience should not be a once a year "feel good" experience. The ressurection should be a life changing experience. The ressurection story should cause us to see and live life in a drastically different. after the death of Christ, the disciples were hiding behind closed doors. They were in fear for their very lifes. All hope was gone. They believed that the best thing to do was go back to their routine lives and forget about what had taken place th elast three years. Fear and apathy will do that.
Jesus appears to the disciples after His ressurection. His appearance causes a wonderful change. The disciples are renewed in strength and courage. thomas is not with the disciples the first time Jesus appears. he has is doubts regarding the story that his felloow disciples. Then he sees Jesus with His wounds and rejoices. "My Lord and My God.' Thomas is ready to live and breathe Christ for the rest of his days. Paul, in spite of everything he endured, stated that he counted everything loss except for the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. This should be our view of the ressurection. We should rejoice everyday that Christ arose from the grave no matter the circumstances in our lives. My prayer is that you may see the ressurection in the same manner.
You need to correct the title of your blog. I'm still trying to figure out what a tOA is. :P