Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What was I thinking?

Several years ago I decided to look for another campground for our annual camping trip. I was tired of going to the same place every year. Without consulting my family, I went online to find the "perfect" camping experience. I found a "wonderful" place in North Carolina called Happy Family Campground. This should have been a clue. I didn't catch on.
I reserved a camping space for the week of vacation. The website described the campground in this manner. Large swimming pool, gameroom with many types of electronic games to enjoy, large shower area, large camping area, and a river running alongside of the camping area to fish in. This was a "little" exaggerated.
We arrived at Happy Family Campground in the afternoon. Imagine our surprise when we saw a swimming pool about the size of a large broom closet covered in pond scum. The game room consisted of a warped pool table with the cover ripped and a broken pinball machine. My son had to use the bathroom so he went to the "spacious" shower area. He came out with a shocked look on his face. "Dad these are Nazi death camp showers." We drove around to the camping area. It was big enough to pull our van into but not big enough for a tent. The river was a large stream with no fish. We left Happy Family Campground .My family has never let me live this error in judgment down.

Fast forward to 2011. I wanted to go visit my daughter in Illinois. The last time we went I drove. I did not want to drive 15 hours agian. "I know, I'll take a train." I reserved the tickets ahead of time. Comfortable seating, nice dining area, let us do the driving while you relax. Perfect. The day arrived. We board the train that is packed full. "I am sorry, we will have to put you in the bulk area." I have reserved seats but it does not matter. "To many walkups" is how it is explained. The seats that you were supposed to be able to lean back in and relax still leave you sitting up. Well at least the dining car will be nice. I stand in line for 30 minutes to get two frozen pizzas zapped in the microwave. What happened to the nice dining area with delicious food. "That is on the longerr runs." is how it is explained. 18 hours is not a long run?
Our "host is a psycho blonde who spends most of her time yelling at the customers, including kids, while making as much of a nusiance of herself as she can. We arrive at Chicago 45 minutes late. We are not given any instructions where we are to go as we leave the train. Thankfully we find the train station without getting mugged in one of the worst cities that has ever been created. I decide to drive back. Wonder if my family will let me live this one down?