Monday, September 26, 2011

Are we a Christian nation.?

Recently I watched YouTube video in which Barak Obama stated that America is no longer a Christian nation. Initially I was offended by what he said until I thought about the state of Christianity in America.

We, as a nation, are moving further and further away from God. We are becoming biblically illiterate, we are growing more and more indifferent toward God's Holy commands, and we are looking toward worldly worship on a regular basis.

An example of this was found during a recent Youth study at the church that I pastor. We were discussing the importance of being an effective witness for Christ. I talked with the youth about the fact that our actions often speak louder than our words.

They strongly agreed and began sharing with me their concerns about other young people who proclaimed to be ChristiansThey talked about the profane language these kids used and said that the kids explained it away by saying that the words were in the bible and okay to use in the context they used them.
They said that these kids openly talked about their sexual promiscuity and the fact that some of them went to parties and drank alcohol.

There is a growing trend among young people and adults alike that superficial Christianity is all that is needed. They also believe that God's Word is not absolute and depends on how each individual interprets it. This is the reason that more and more people are drawn to other, more convenient religions. We must get by to what John MacArthur refers to as "Old Time religion" rather than "Show time religion." Until we do we cannot argue with Barak Obama very much regarding his statement.