Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What's really important?

Recently I was in a car wreck. I suffered 3 broken ribs and cracked sternum and torn cartilage in my chest area. When I finally got to go look at my car, I realized how bad the wreck could have been. I also began to think about what is really important in life.

This year has been very stressful due to some people who did not like the way I did my job. They were constantly complaining about something regarding what my duties were as a School Resource Officer. One went as far as complaining to the Sheriff in an attempt to get me fired.I felt angry, frustrated and bitter because I have always believed that if you do your best, no matter what people do or say right will always overcome wrong.

I found out that is not always the case. I know that I don't always have the support that I feel I need and that some will believe anything they hear without facts. I also found out something else; true friends stick by you no matter what. What does this have to do with my car wreck? I am going to explain to you.

During my time of recovery I had plenty of time to think about what is important. I realize that I can only control my conduct and actions. No matter how badly I would like for people to change the way they are, I can't do anything about it. I also found out that the people that mind the way I am don't matter and the people who matter don't mind how I am.  I also realized that no matter how hard I may try I can't please everyone, even those who mean so much to me in my life.

I've also learned that life is more than jobs, careers and everyday tasks. There are times we must do the things we enjoy for our health, happiness and overall peace of mind.
My philosophy is serve God to the best of my ability and live life in a much simplier manner.


  1. Sometimes it takes bad things to make us realize the important things. Oh, and that is your quota for wrecks in your life sir!

  2. Wow. I didn't hear about people trying to get you fired this year.
