Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ghost Child

As most who read my blog may know, I am a School Resource Officer in the schools. SRO is just a fancy name for a police officer in the school. I have many jobs but I feel the most important job is simply being there for the kids. There are so many hurting kids in the world today. Kids I like to refer to as ghost kids. Kids who seem to get lost in the midst of the everyday hustle and bustle of life.

Some are very obvious. They are the one's who are usually by themselves, being targeted by other, more popular, students. They may be emo. They may be the "trouble makers." They may be the "nerds." They may be the "slow learners." there are many labels we place on them but they are simply kids who just don't seem to fit in with the "in crowd."

Then we have the kids who seemingly have it altogether. They are popular, involved in many activities, "well liked" by their parents and admired by many of the teachers. The problem is that nobody knows what they are going through. Mom and dad are to busy with their social lives, careers, or simply themselves to know what their kids are doing. So thge kids find outlets to help them vent their frustrations. Sadly many times the turn to drugs and alcohol for their relief.

Ghost kids are very visible but are not really seen. Teachers are to caught up in the "teaching game" to notice. Administrators are too busy with meetings to notice. The victims are the ghost kids. They cry out in their own ways for just a little attention. The 8th grade girl dresses provocativlely in order to gain any attention they can. There are those who cut to deaden the emotional pain. The so called popular kid wants to be known as the go to kid for a "good time."

My point is simply this we need to take time to know all of the kids in our schools, churches, neighborhoods, or wherever we may encounter them Look into their eyes. They will tell you their stories if you but see.

1 comment:

  1. Too many of these kids to count! Excellent blog, Kenny. Should be required reading for anyone dealing with kids.... ESPECIALLY PARENTS!!!!
